WSHS Attendance Notes

WSHS Attendance Notes
Posted on 08/28/2024

Dear, WSHS Community:

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. My name is Cyril Paul Robertson, and I am the Instructional Paraprofessional for the GOAL credit recovery program. In addition, I am also one of the attendance clerks here at Winter Springs High School.

As we continue to address school-wide attendance issues, the WSHS attendance department has created templates for submitting parent notes- whether you send them electronically through our attendance email: [email protected], or physically to the front desk in Building 1. Below are two types of attendance notes--One for absences in the past and another for anticipated (future) absences. Below are etched templates you can use for submitting your student’s attendance notes. In addition, there is an attachment of the templates as well. If you do decide to use the templates and send in a note electronically, kindly copy and paste them on your email, when sending said note to [email protected].

Note #1-Past Absence Excusal Request(s)

Subject Line: [LAST NAME, FIRST NAME: Excusal Request(s)]

Dear WSHS Attendance Team:

 My student [LAST NAME, FIRST NAME] was absent/tardy on [Date(s)] from the following class periods: [1-7 (full day); 5-7 (partial), for example]. My student was [absent/tardy] because (Type a brief reason explaining why your student was absent/tardy from school). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email: [Insert your email] or phone: [Insert your Phone Number].

Thank you,

(Your Name)


Note #2-Anticipated (Future) Absence Excusal Request(s)

Subject Line: [LAST NAME, FIRST NAME: Excusal Request(s)]

Dear WSHS Attendance Team:

My student [LAST NAME, FIRST NAME] will be absent on [Date(s)] from the following class periods: [1-7 (full day); 5-7 (partial), for example purposes], because (Type a brief reason explaining why your student(s) will miss school). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email: [Insert your email] or phone: [Insert your Phone Number].

Thank you,

(Your Name)

As a reminder to our parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and other stakeholders:

Per school policy, parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are allowed to send up to 10 excusal notes; however, there is no limit to the number of medical/doctor’s notes submitted in an academic school year. Should you have any questions regarding excusals, please send them to our school-wide attendance email: [email protected]. Have a great day. Go Bears!

Thank you,

Mr. Cyril Paul Robertson

Winter Springs High School

Instructional Paraprofessional- GOAL

     - Attendance Notes

e:  [email protected]

p: (407)-320-8821

     ext: 58821

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